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FAQs Zigolo MG12



In this section are grouped frequently asked questions

of the kit Zigolo MG12.


Who gives me the technical assistance during construction?

Who designed the plane, Aviad Francesco di Martino.


How much crosswind landing?

It was landed with 18 kts , but there was more wind is not a problem, you can land into the wind in a few yards. The limit is probably that you have to have someone with very strong wind to take you to the uprights do not take away from the wind when you land and get off the vehicle.


Which flight license is required to pilot it?

No License in U.S.A. Ultralight license in Europe. Do not forget that it's a plane, so it’s better do a small flight practice.


How much autonomy?

About 2 hours and more than 100 km depending on the wind.


How many hours are needed for installation?

About 150 depend of your skill


Need aeronautical expertise to build it?

No, only a practice in simple mechanical work.


It’s possible to paint it?

Yes. It's necessary


What kind of canvas is supplied in the kit?

Dacron thermo retractable, the same that is used for example to coat the Piper Cab.


How many meters are needed for takeoff and landing?

40/50 meters, depending on your weight and wind.


What is the maximum service ceiling?

It depends on the weight, temperature, etc. but most of 6/7.000 Ft


How many Zigolo MG12 were sold?

At the end of 2018, 48.


It’s certificate? By whom?

The approval in Germany is now made is possible like class 120.


What is the TBO of the engine?

300 hours

more manutantion are needed before tbo please contact engine producer


How many liters contains the standard tank?

the standard tank contains 12 liter, it's possible change with one largest


At what rate is the mixture of the fuel?



It has an electric starter?

Does not require, starts immediately at the first shot


You already have the license to fly you can pilot without making a flight practice?

yes it's easy to fly, if you can fly any 3 axis, you're eligible.


It's easy to pilot?

Really easy, you'll be one with your aircraft, as they have written many articles.


How many hours of life has the Zigolo MG12 (structures)?

It depends on the mode of use, the location, storage and care that he devoted himself, however many years


After how many years it is recommended that the redo the canvas on Zigolo MG12?

It depends, generally 15 years, as all the planes with canvas wings such as Piper and Robin


They are available all the spare parts?

Yes absolutely. 


Can it be put disassembled and put on the trailer by one person and how long does it take to do so?It has folding wings?

Yes it's possible disassembly put on trailer or put it in a box alone in 1 hour and faster in 2 persons.


The Zigolo Can fly on thermal condition?

Yes, Zigolo is inspired by Goat glider and is improve for motor floater utilize and installation of Engine, thermal flight
The light weight and large wing results in a very low wing loading so the Zigolo has a low sink rate. Combined with the slow speed it is easy for the pilot to stay in even small thermals and gain altitude.


what efficiency has the zigolo?

The light weight and large wing results in a very low wing loading so the Zigolo has a low sink rate. Combined with the slow speed it is easy for the pilot to stay in even small thermals and gain altitude.


ZIGOLO MG12 is a glider?

what makes Zigolo Mg12 glider is, low speed flight. good manoeuvrability than give tight turns and low sink rate, this characteristics allow flu in centre of thermal in core position for a time higher compare other fastest plane . link video.


It's possible to install fairing for winter fly?

Yes, you can install it at a later time, soon available for purchase.



Yes, you can install it at a later time, is available for purchase.


The ZIGOLO MG12 is a tube and fabric?

That which differentiates the Zigolo mg12, from a classic tubes and canvas, is the system of building and the cover is made Dacron thermo retractable prevents aging with a finish better aerodynamics and management over the years cheap and easy to repair.


The throttle is on cloche/stik?

Yes, the throttle is on the stick, it is a solution that is derived from the PPG, try to believe !! is instinctive use and there is now good. E 'can lock in the cruise.


It's possible add normal throttle?

Yes, you can install it at a later time, soon available for purchase. This is easy to retrofit.



It's possible turn off the engine?

Yes, you can turn off and restart the engine in flight. Flying with the future electric motor will make restarts even easier!


More questions to suggest? 
If yes, please contact us.

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